SEO & Online Marketing

Marketing your small business online is not just Marketing 101. You also need an understanding of how search engines find sites (SEO) and how your customers use websites.

Microsoft vs Yahoo vs Google

Those of us ‘of a certain age’ will remember MAD magazines ‘Spy VS Spy’ cartoon feature. (MAD may still be running the cartoon – it has been a LONG time since I bought a copy.) The cartoon features the black and white coloured spies. Inevitably, one or the other would come to some terrible end. During the early 60’s a third character, ‘Lady Grey’, was introduced, ‘Spy VS Spy VS Spy’. Both the black and white spy were in love with her. And, she always got the best of both of them.

The current situation with Microsoft, Yahoo and Google reminded me of the cartoon. Only in this case, I fear, it is ‘Lady Grey’ (Yahoo) that will meet an unfortunate end.

For as long as it takes for the Microsoft – Yahoo deal to be consummated things will be in flux for web owners on two levels. First, while Google will remain the number one choice for web advertising, the number two choice is less clear. Second, do you assume the deal will pass government regulators and start optimizing for the Google and Bing search engines, or do you continue to optimize for Google and Yahoo.

As a developer, I am concerned about the continuation of all the useful tools that Yahoo now provides. These tools are used in a HUGE number of widgets and other online mashups. They have been used by developers to bring functionality of their clients websites while driving users to the Yahoo site.

In the cartoons ‘Lady Grey’ always had the last laugh. It would be nice if that were to happen in real life. Yahoo is too good a service to become another victim in the game of ‘Spy VS Spy VS Spy’.

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