My Blogroll

Seth Godin's Blog

Marketing insights by one of Internet Marketing's top guru.

Small Biz Trends

Just started following this blog - the name says it all.

SEOMoz Blog

Information on the latest in the world of SEO.

Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik

"If you can't measure it - you can't manage it." (Drucker). Avinash tells you how to measure everything on your website.

aimClear Blog

Aimed at people doing their SEO and online PR 'in house' - there is a wealth of information on all aspects of promoting your site.


THE blog to read for current information and trends in Social Medai.

Copy Blogger

READ THIS if you ever get stuck writing copy

TIMR Web Services
1412 Albatross Ave.
Comox, BC
[email protected]

Archive for the ‘staff’ Category

Test – Test and Test Again

We just finished a presentation for potential client. They wanted to upgrade their existing website.

As part of the preparation we checked out everything on their existing sites. Among the items we checked was their contact form.

At the presentation I remarked that they needed to improve their ‘back end’ since after 5 days, I still hadn’t received a reply to the contact form I submitted. This, of course got the attention of the Marketing Director. She went to the person who handles the replies to the contact forms and she said she had replied to my contact.

It could have all ended right there. They would have thought I didn’t know what I was talking about. And, I would have wondered why I never heard from them again.

But it didn’t end there. It turns out the person handling the email contacts is very conscientious and pretty smart. She sent me a follow up email using her personal account.

By doing so we found the email account used to respond to online contacts wasn’t working. And, I looked like a hero. (albeit a small one)

Two things that every business MUST remember.

First – Never assume your site is working properly just because you don’t get any error reports. Test – test and test again.

Second – Always get good staff.
