What Is Your Backup Plan

If you are like most people you start worrying about your backups after your system crashes. And, if you are like most business people today, the fastest way to shut down your business is to have your system crash.

There are dozens, maybe hundreds of backup tools available. Some backup over the Internet, some to a DVD and some to a second disk drive. They all have one serious flaw – they only work if you use them.

Any backup system is better than no backup system — but you have to use it. Create a system that works for you and USE IT!! You don’t need to by a lot of software. For most small businesses, the data and document files can be backed up onto a flash drive -do it every day. Information on restoring your system can be burned to a DVD – do it once a week. Then take the DVD and store it in your safety deposit box. Too many businesses have lost their data because the DVD with the backup information was burn in the same fire that destroyed their computer.

Finally, test your restoral procedure!!!

There are few word that can adequately describe the feeling of, after religiously backing up your data, finding that all your backups are corrupted. IT HAPPENS – don’t let it happen to you. Check that the data really has been transferred to your backup media.

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One Response to “What Is Your Backup Plan”

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